Saturday, 21 February 2015
Wednesday, 18 February 2015
Three Wives
A generous king once announced that he would give gifts to the deserving. Many people turned up to receive gifts from the king. The king noticed a man who came a second time. The king did not object. But when the man came a third time, the king asked him why he had come a third time to receive gifts. How could the same person be given gifts repeatedly? The man replied that he did not want to come thrice, and the blame for the repeated visits lay elsewhere.
The man explained that he had three wives. The first wife was called hunger; the second was called thirst; the third was called desire. The first and second wives were easily pleased; but the third one could never have enough.
The moral of the story is that once the pangs of hunger are satisfied, we crave no more food. Once our thirst has been quenched, we need no more water. But desires are limitless.
Thursday, 12 February 2015
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